CRS Convert-A-Court. In a squash playing position it’s innovative, it’s cost efficient. This unique system will give you the multipurpose facility you are looking for.
For your multi purpose facility specify CRS Convert-A-Court side by side. These walls will glide up to 12192 mm (40 ft.) for extra aerobic – gym space. Courts facing each other with flooring through aisle space will yield over 2000 sq. ft. mini gym
CRS Convert-A-Court. This wall glides easily, smoothly, locks positively in position. To provide truly superior multi purpose racquetball, handball and squash courts.
CRS championship glass walls with white etched lines. The ultimate for racquetball, squash, handball courts. Available in all sizes with custom sized doors for the physically challenged. Glass wall fittings available in black, deep bronze, white and other colors to match your interior.